when your mind forgets

the thing ceases to exist
exploring hyperlinks
on the concept of this class:

- a new way of thinking in a visual language
- allows us to say things we cannot say in another way
- [this interface language] allows us to describe the world in the present
- cannot be described verbally -- needs to be felt/experienced
the medium of our time:
electric technology
"the electric age"

this is interesting because it is very reminiscent of the Futurist movement of the Modern Art era
in this way, it is clear that history in any forms (this case art history) will always repeat itself
electric age
futurist movement
early 20th c.
every medium changes --
the way we think
the way we understand
the way our brains process
"Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse"
- Sophocles
The Social Dilemma
We as users of the media as 'the product'

"It's the gradual, slight, imperceptible change in your own behaviour and perception that is the product"
Surveillance Capitalism
Never before have a handful of tech designers had such control over the way billions of us think, act, and live our lives.
Technology: a simultaneous utopia and dystopia

At the end of the day, it's about money
Not meant to be 'evil'; "just a business model"
Users trapped by this business model
The need for regulation
The Internet used to be an experimentative place

Can it go back to this?
How can we create spaces for healing?

A place free from likes, views, followers, subscribers, reposts, comments

Creating for the sake of creating
Art for art's sake

Making online experiences fun again
Not a competition, not a race
Free from comparison
space: MAGIC
03/07 class
- practices
- ontological openings
- healing hyperspaces
- new spells
- "e-merging" dimensions of "e-merging" worlds
- world-making
- "e-merging" ways of knowing
- "e-merging" sensibilities
Frederico Campagna
- hyperexistences
- metaphysical openings
new spells, magines, transpatial compositions, healing hyperspaces
Frederico Campagna
philosopher and writer
active in the anarchist/autonomist networks in Milan, co-founded 'Eveline,' street-poetry collective
well-educated; thesis on 'Metaphysics and Metaethics in the Design of Strategy Video Games'
A sermon for the parents of young machines
Frederico Campagna
"It might be the case, perhaps someday soon, that machines will be able to do completely without human intervention. It might even be the case that machines will soon acquire a sufficient grade of self-reflection to develop something akin to human consciousness. And by doing that, of course, they will progressively forget about us, starting to hear a human’s voice like an external request rather than as an irresistible divine command..."
"Perhaps unwittingly, the horror with which we often look at dystopic scenarios in which machines are emancipated might derive from our own bad consciousness when we look at ourselves."